Trouble in Lemur Land (Trouble in Lemur Land), Nature, United Kingdom, 2011

featuredocumentary, animals, nature

Trouble in Lemur Land

Trouble in Lemur Land (Trouble in Lemur Land), Nature, United Kingdom, 2011

Journeys In India (Journeys in India), Nature, USA, Canada, 2013

segunda, 21:00

The Golden Temple is the centerpiece of the city of Amritsar, and probably the second most photographed building in India, but few know about the building or the people who built it. The most significant building to people of the Sikh faith, it is open to people of all faiths. We witness the celebration of the changing of the guard before heading into the mountains for a visit to the British influenced town of Shimla. Journeys then heads further north for look at the resort area of Manali.

Journeys In India (Journeys in India), Nature, USA, Canada, 2013


High up in the mountains of north-eastern Madagascar lives one of the world's most critically endangered primates. There are less than a thousand Silky Sifakas alive today and this area of remote rainforest, known as Marojejy–Anjanaharibe-Sud, is their only home.In the past, the rugged terrain here kept the Silkies relatively safe but things are now changing at an alarming pace. This magical place is under serious threat from illegal logging operations as international demand for highly sought-after rosewood and ebony increases. Unscrupulous logging gangs are encroaching on the Silkies' last remaining habitat."Trouble in Lemur Land" follows two men, an American primatologist and a Malagasy conservationist, on their quest to protect this rare species, at the same time providing a rare glimpse into the life of this extraordinarily beautiful and graceful animal.The film centres around the arrival of two babies in the group – a glimmer of hope in an otherwise desperate situation. Lemur reproduction rates are slow and Silkies only mate one day in the year, so it is a very special moment when primatologist Erik Patel sees the newborns for the first time. He has a permanent camp on the outskirts of their last remaining territory and we are given a rare glimpse into this intimate, close-knit group as the babies develop in the sanctuary of the forest canopy.Meanwhile, taking advantage of long-term political instability, the loggers are steadily extracting Madagascar's rosewood for export to China. Although they are well armed and highly motivated, conservationist Desire Rabary is not afraid to confront them, regardless of the risks. He heads up a network of local people who play a vital role in the survival of the forest and its lemurs. Over the past five years, he has worked hard to actively expose the loggers' illegal trail of destruction but, as this film reveals, the heart of the problem starts on his own doorstep.This 50-minute HD film brings the forest to life, with stunning images of many of its other species, including the striking helmet vanga bird, white-fronted brown lemur, red-bellied lemur, green tree frogs, panther chameleons and the elusive fossa. This treasure trove of endemic Madagascan wildlife is a timely reminder of what we stand to lose if the environmental issues so critical to their survival are not urgently addressed.


Canal Duração Título
DocuBox segunda, 20:00 Trouble in Lemur Land (Trouble in Lemur Land), Nature, United Kingdom, 2011

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