Ancient Aliens

series, science, aliens, history

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

Engineering Disasters

joi, 04:00

Engineering has built our modern world. Everything from skyscrapers to roads and air travel are here because of Engineering. But what happens when engineering goes horribly wrong? Engineering Disasters goes beyond the headlines to uncover what really happened in the most notorious engineering accidents. What caused an outdoor stage to collapse in Indiana, killing seven? How did a collection of classic Corvettes disappear right out of thin air? Why did a plane's fuselage rip open in mid-flight? What was behind the collapse of a domed stadium? Each hour long episode combines expert and eyewitness interviews, state of the art graphics, and dramatic "moment of disaster" footage to tell the story behind the world's most terrifying engineering disasters.

Mai multe...
Engineering Disasters


ANCIENT ALIENS examines 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth, from the age of the dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to the skies over the western desert in the present day US. Ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, an asphalt-like substance in an Egyptian pyramid made from the remains of unidentified creatures, continued mass sightings in the USA -- these are just a few of the strange stories that will be investigated.

Programul TV

Canal Durată Nume
History2 joi, 03:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 joi, 09:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 joi, 15:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 joi, 21:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 vineri, 03:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 vineri, 09:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 vineri, 15:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 vineri, 21:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 sâmbătă, 03:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 sâmbătă, 09:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 sâmbătă, 15:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 luni, 18:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 marți, 00:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 marți, 06:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 marți, 12:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 marți, 18:15 Ancient Aliens
History2 miercuri, 00:15 Ancient Aliens

TV Canal

