


zondag, 19:00

Quest - (E29, educational program, India) Take a chance to explore magnificent cities all around the world with the help of XP Guide with TravelXP. The hosts will walk you through the streets of cities in the four corners of the Earth, will introduce you to local cuisine, show you the night life, demonstrate modern and ancient architecture, provide the best shopping places. Even if you do not plan to visit this very city it will be absolutely entertaining and eye-opening experience. And if you get inspired by some particular place, do not forget to turn off TV before you go on the road...



Landmarks - (E29, artistic program, England) Landmarks is a documentary series that celebrates wonderful sites from all around the world that have great cultural and historical significance. From natural beauties to monuments raised in remembrance of important historical figures, from architectural wonders to religious sites, these are some of the world's most amazing landmarks. Discover the stories behind them and find out more about their importance, both in the past and in the present day, including sites like the Buckingham Palace, the Dead Sea and the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai. ...

Tv gids

Kanaal Tijd Titel
Travel XP zondag, 18:45 Landmarks
Travel XP maandag, 14:45 Landmarks
Travel XP dinsdag, 13:15 Landmarks
Travel XP donderdag, 05:15 Landmarks
Travel XP vrijdag, 02:45 Landmarks


TV Kanaal

It all started 10 years ago with a clear intention of making travel around and across the world simple and easy for all the people who by heart are travel junkies.