Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018

Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018

Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018

mardi, 17:36

Dot has so many questions bouncing around her brain that she often has to turn to her awesome Wonder Widget App for some direction.



Dot has so many questions bouncing around her brain that she often has to turn to her awesome Wonder Widget App for some direction.

Programme TV

Chaîne Durée Titre
JimJam lundi, 17:36 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam mardi, 17:25 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam mardi, 17:36 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam mercredi, 09:28 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam mercredi, 09:39 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam jeudi, 09:39 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam vendredi, 09:28 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam vendredi, 09:39 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018
JimJam samedi, 09:39 Dot. (Dot.), Animation, Family, For children, USA, Canada, 2018

TV Chaîne



Детский телеканал. В программе только добрые, спокойные, веселые мультсериалы, адресованные дошкольникам и младшим школьникам. На канале нет монстров и «страшилок», зато есть сериалы, которые в игровой форме объясняют юным зрителям, как надо себя вести, не обижать слабых, помогать близким, не лениться …