Misters Mersedess

Misters Mersedess


Stāsts par psihopātisku slepkavu, kas ar nozagtu Mercedes iebrauc pūlī, un nesen atvaļinātu izmeklētāju, kas mēģina jukušo notvert.

Programme TV

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TV Chaîne

Duo 3

Duo 3

Duo 3 stands for impactful programming: from international comedy hits such as Sex And the City, Friends, Drop Dead Diva and the quirky Will & Grace, Chuck to dramas such as the world-famous The Tudors, Nip/Tuck – your viewers will also be enjoying they premieres on our channel: the critically acclaimed hit series, The Boss, The Big C, L.A. Complex, Hannibal, Copper, Nashville, Labyrinth, House of Lies, Sherlock and a lot of others.