Horrible Bosses

1. epizód

Horrible Bosses


Management candidate Nick has been logging 12-hour days and eating everything his twisted supervisor Harken dishes out, toward the promise of a well-earned promotion. But now he knows that's never going to happen. Meanwhile, dental assistant Dale has been struggling to maintain his self-respect against the relentless X-rated advances of Dr. Julia Harris, when she suddenly turns up the heat. And accountant Kurt has just learned that his company's corrupt new owner, Pellit, is not only bent on ruining his career but plans to funnel toxic waste into an unsuspecting population. What can you do when your boss is a psycho, a man-eater or a total tool? Quitting is not an option. These monsters must be stopped. So, on the strength of a few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from a hustling ex-con whose street cred is priced on a sliding scale, the guys devise a convoluted but foolproof plan to rid the world of their respective employers... permanently. But even the best-laid plans are only as good as the brains behind them.

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A Viasat 3 egy kereskedelmi televízióadó, mely nem sugároz hírműsort és politikai műsorokat, kizárólag a szórakoztatás a célja. A magyarra átültetett külföldi programok mellett napjainkban már sikeres saját műsorokat is gyárt. Mivel székhelye Angliában van, a magyar médiaszabályozás nem terjed ki rá, így szabadabban, merészebben tud műsorokat választani.