Medical Frontiers

Detecting Heart Disease with Intravascular Imaging, 2024

Medical Frontiers

NHK Newsline

martes, 06:00

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NHK Newsline


Detecting vulnerable plaques is now possible using the latest intravascular imaging technology. Focusing on how this can help with early detection of heart disease and prevention of its recurrence.

Guías de TV

Canal Hora Título
NHK World TV lunes, 16:30 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV lunes, 22:30 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV martes, 05:30 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV martes, 11:30 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV viernes, 21:00 Medical Frontiers



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NHK WORLD-JAPAN is the international service of Japan's public broadcaster NHK. It provides the latest information on Japan and Asia through television, radio and online to a global audience.