The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016

Reality show, 4. Season, 6. Episode, 2016. Year

The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016

The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2017

Thursday, 09:15

Julian is called out to treat two cattle; he removes a stone from the first cow's hoof, but the second animal is a different proposition. At the surgery, a baby goat is struggling to open his eyes.

The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2017


Julian gets a call from farmer Jackie; two of her alpacas have gorged themselves on the food stash and are foaming at the mouth and choking. Julian is in a race against time to save their lives.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
Viasat Nature Monday, 07:15 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Monday, 08:00 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Monday, 08:45 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Tuesday, 02:10 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Tuesday, 08:10 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Thursday, 08:30 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Friday, 07:30 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016


TV Channel

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