The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016

Reality show, 4. Season, 8. Episode, 2016. Year

The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016

The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2020

Tuesday, 02:55

Following veterinary surgeries in Thirsk and Boroughbridge. Rare cattle breeder Chris is sick with worry, as

The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2020


Peter is pushed to his limits when he tries to save the life of a mum who has prolapsed her uterus while calving; Julian goes head-to-head with a 300kg boar who doesn't want to part with his tusks.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
Viasat Nature Monday, 07:15 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Monday, 08:00 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Monday, 08:45 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Tuesday, 02:10 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Tuesday, 08:10 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Thursday, 08:30 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016
Viasat Nature Friday, 07:30 The Yorkshire Vet (The Yorkshire Vet), Nature, United Kingdom, 2016


TV Channel

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