Charlotte in Sunderland


Charlotte in Sunderland

Charlotte in Sunderland

mandag, 02:45

Jake struggles to organise a surprise party for Charlotte. Then, as the skies open, the summer fashion launch doesn't go to plan. The end of Charlotte's business empire could be nigh.

Charlotte in Sunderland


Charlotte flies out a crew of 16 to Ibiza for a no-expenses-spared photo shoot. She's rented a huge villa, chartered a yacht and has drafted her team of creatives and models to make the shoot look amazing.


Kanal Tid Titel
CBBC mandag, 02:15 Charlotte in Sunderland
CBBC mandag, 02:45 Charlotte in Sunderland
CBBC mandag, 03:15 Charlotte in Sunderland
CBBC onsdag, 01:30 Charlotte in Sunderland
CBBC onsdag, 02:00 Charlotte in Sunderland
CBBC torsdag, 03:35 Charlotte in Sunderland



TV Kanal

The BBC's English channel aimed at children aged between 6 and 12.