Medical Frontiers


Medical Frontiers

Top Chefs' Quest

Pátek, 21:30

Enjoying the seasonality of kaiseki haute cuisine and the meticulous hospitality at Komoro. Plus, savour the finest yakitori grilled with original methods that focus on the ingredients at Torishiki.

Top Chefs' Quest


Do you get good sleep? This episode reveals facts about sleep quality that may surprise you. We introduce the latest findings on sleep.

TV Průvodce

Kanál Čas Název
NHK World TV Pátek, 21:00 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV Pondělí, 16:30 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV Pondělí, 22:30 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV Úterý, 05:30 Medical Frontiers
NHK World TV Úterý, 11:30 Medical Frontiers



Televize Kanál

NHK WORLD-JAPAN is the international service of Japan's public broadcaster NHK. It provides the latest information on Japan and Asia through television, radio and online to a global audience.