Grid (Grid)

Grid (Grid)

Drift Style (Drift Style), USA, 2008

Úterý, 12:00

Drift Style embeds the viewer inside the world of the Formula Drift Pro Championship Series. Each episode examines the backbone of a rapidly growing sport, its characters and the incredible action of race day.



This programme sees two teams racing head-to-head to complete a series of athletic events including weightlifting. Teams must possess speed, strength and strategy to complete the races in the fastest time possible.

TV Průvodce

Kanál Čas Název
Extreme Sports Channel Úterý, 10:00 Grid (Grid)
Extreme Sports Channel Středa, 10:00 Grid (Grid)
Extreme Sports Channel Sobota, 06:00 Grid (Grid)
Extreme Sports Channel Sobota, 08:00 Grid (Grid)
Extreme Sports Channel Sobota, 10:00 Grid (Grid)



Televize Kanál

Extreme Sports Channel

Extreme Sports Channel

Extrême Sports Channel est une chaîne de télévision basée aux Pays-Bas consacrée aux sports extrêmes et déclinée en 12 langues dans 50 pays en Europe (dont la France) et au Moyen-Orient. Sommaire