Houses of the Oireachtas Committees Replay

Houses of the Oireachtas Committees

Houses of the Oireachtas Committees Replay

Houses of the Oireachtas Committees Replay

субота, 19:50

Replay of selected Committee proceedings.



Replay of selected Committee proceedings.

Розклад телебачення

Канал Час Назва
Oireachtas TV субота, 15:30 Houses of the Oireachtas Committees Replay
Oireachtas TV субота, 17:00 Houses of the Oireachtas Committees Replay
Oireachtas TV субота, 19:50 Houses of the Oireachtas Committees Replay



ТБ Канал

Houses of the Oireachtas Channel or publicly called Oireachtas TV is a public service broadcaster for the two houses of the Oireachtas (Irish parliament).