Select Committees

Russian Sanctions Inquiry

Select Committees

Select Committees

Суббота, 22:00

The Treasury select committee session on the Bank of England's economic forecasting.

Select Committees


A committee session on the effectiveness of financial sanctions on Russia, on 14 May.

ТВ Расписание

Канал Время Название
BBC Parliament Суббота, 18:10 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Суббота, 20:00 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Суббота, 22:00 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Воскресенье, 18:05 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Воскресенье, 20:50 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Воскресенье, 23:05 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Понедельник, 08:20 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Вторник, 10:00 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Среда, 09:25 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Пятница, 09:00 Select Committees
BBC Parliament Пятница, 18:00 Select Committees



ТВ Канал

BBC Parliament

BBC Parliament
United Kingdom

BBC Parliament is a British free-to-air television channel which broadcasts live and recorded coverage of the House of Commons, House of Lords and Select Committees of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Scottish Parliament, the London Assembly, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Welsh Assembly. The channel also broadcasts reports from the European Parliament and the annual conferences of the main political parties and the Trades Union Congress.