Hometown Stories

Mailing Letters to the Lost, 2023

Hometown Stories

Easy Japanese

niedziela, 06:37

#8 This is my friend, Ayaka-san. / To introduce someone to someone else, say a word to explain the relationship, followed by 'no', then the person's name and 'desu'.

Easy Japanese


In the woods of northern Japan stands a unique mailbox for letters from family members to loved ones who died in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami - the box's custodian shares his feelings 12 years on.

Program TV

Kanał Godzina Tytuł
NHK World niedziela, 06:10 Hometown Stories
NHK World niedziela, 10:10 Hometown Stories
NHK World poniedziałek, 20:00 Hometown Stories
NHK World sobota, 16:10 Hometown Stories
NHK World sobota, 23:10 Hometown Stories
NHK World niedziela, 06:10 Hometown Stories



Telewizja Kanał

NHK WORLD-JAPAN is the international service of Japan's public broadcaster NHK. It provides the latest information on Japan and Asia through television, radio and online to a global audience.