The CNBC Conversation

Ronnie Chan & Adriel Chan, Debate

The CNBC Conversation

Last Call US (Recorded)

sobota, 04:00

“Last Call” is a fast-paced, entertaining business show that explores the intersection of money, culture and policy.

Last Call US (Recorded)


A show that lets the person talk for themselves and gives audiences a glimpse at the personality behind the public persona. From Heads of state, business leaders, entrepreneurs and entertainment titans, all have a unique story to tell and all have joined the CNBC Conversation.

Program TV

Kanał Godzina Tytuł
CNBC sobota, 03:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC sobota, 06:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC sobota, 09:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC sobota, 17:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC niedziela, 05:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC niedziela, 15:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC niedziela, 18:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC wtorek, 22:00 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC czwartek, 22:00 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC sobota, 03:30 The CNBC Conversation
CNBC sobota, 06:30 The CNBC Conversation



Telewizja Kanał

European version of the American station NBC with stock market features, news bulletins and chat shows.