Sports Max


Sports Max

Andalucia Bike Race 2019

wtorek, 02:45

The Andalucia Bike Race is Spain's premier mountain bike race, and one of the most outstanding in the world as recognized by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI).Incorporating six stages over six days, the race weaves its way up and down...

Andalucia Bike Race 2019


Sports Max highlights the latest extreme and alternative sports from around the globe, including mountain biking, surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, rock climbing, kayaking, skydiving, freeskiing, freestyle motocross, snowboarding, and many more.

Program TV

Kanał Godzina Tytuł
Fast&Fun wtorek, 02:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun wtorek, 23:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun środa, 14:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun czwartek, 20:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun piątek, 05:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun piątek, 11:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun sobota, 14:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun niedziela, 17:00 Sports Max
Fast&Fun wtorek, 02:00 Sports Max


Telewizja Kanał

FAST&FUN is a new Television Channel offering an action-packed, adrenaline-including medley of extreme sports, from car racing and motocross to snowboarding and skate-boarding; a large variety of disciplines, shows and competitions from all over the world.