Nicolai: The Merry Wives of Windsor


Nicolai: The Merry Wives of Windsor

Bach, St. John Passion

środa, 02:29

The choir and the orchestra of the Bach Collegium Japan perform the St John's Passion with only a small ensemble of about 50 musicians under the former Ton Koopman student Masaaki Suzuki. Recorded Live from The Suntory Hall.

Bach, St. John Passion


Sir John Falstaff leads a dissipated life. Permanently penniless, he sends the same love letter to Frau Fluth and Frau Reich, two rich bourgeois women. Seeing through the ruse, their only amusement comes at the expense of the inept suitor.

Program TV

Kanał Godzina Tytuł
Stingray Classica I środa, 00:00 Nicolai: The Merry Wives of Windsor



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