Love Your Garden

Love Your Garden


Alan and his team are in Burnley in Lancashire to battle the wettest weather imaginable and to transform the concrete jungle backyard of plumber James and his wife Barbara.

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STV reaches over 4 million viewers each month with first class programming including soaps Emmerdale and Coronation Street, big drama productions, entertainment hits The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent, strong home-grown productions and the most comprehensive local news service in the UK. STV Productions is one of the UK’s leading content businesses, with ambitious plans for growth and expansion in the UK and overseas. The company has a record of success across a range of genres including drama, factual and entertainment, producing a wide range of programmes for a variety of networks, including Catchphrase and Fake Reaction for ITV1 and ITV2, ratings success Antiques Road Trip for BBC Two and drama The Poison Tree for ITV1.