I Was Prey (I Was Prey), Nature, USA, 2019

I Was Prey (I Was Prey), Nature, USA, 2019


Nature's great predators are animals you don't want to come across, especially when you find yourself in their own backyard. In this heart-pumping documentary series, individuals share their stories of encounters with dangerous animals, reliving the frightful, life-threatening ordeal. With stories from across the world, we reveal the heart-in-mouth moments when these lucky individuals managed to escape the jaws of death. From a swimmer mauled by a bull shark in the Bahamas to a close shave with a grizzly bear in the mountains, these stories showcase the fearsome power of predators.

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Animal Planet

Animal Planet

Animal Planet — потрясающие съемки, животный мир нашей планеты во всем его многообразии, возможность увидеть редчайшие виды фауны, интереснейшие рассказы обо всем, что бегает, летает, плавает и ползает- все это привлекает к экрану и взрослых, и детей.