„Pasipriešinimas Mauthauzene“.

Prancūzija, 2021 m.

Les résistants de Mauthausen

„Pasipriešinimas Mauthauzene“.


Historical documentary by Barbara Neckek about a extermination labour camp. In this hell the impossible was achieved: the theft and smuggling of two thousand photos that would later become proof of the atrocities that took place there. The people in this camp were not prisoners, but resistance fighters. And this documentary tells the incredible story of their heroic operation.

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Viasat History

Viasat History
Russian Federation

VIASAT HISTORY brings history to life with captivating documentaries that take a fresh, modern look into history. We take our viewers on a powerful journey through time with intelligent, well-researched programmes that entertain and challenge their minds. The Focus is on European history, revealing the secrets of the past and how it defines us today.