Easy Japanese


Easy Japanese

Core Kyoto Mini

Sonndeg, 00:40

The ancient capital's dignified air of yesteryear is in part generated by earthen walls: the walls of the imperial palace, shrines, temples and even private properties. Earthen walls imbue structures with a rustic air.

Core Kyoto Mini


Learn how to introduce someone to someone else in Japanese.

TV Zäitplang

Kanal Zeit Titel
NHK World TV Sonndeg, 00:37 Easy Japanese
NHK World TV Sonndeg, 07:37 Easy Japanese
NHK World TV Sonndeg, 11:37 Easy Japanese
NHK World TV Méindeg, 21:27 Easy Japanese
NHK World TV Samschdeg, 17:37 Easy Japanese
NHK World TV Sonndeg, 00:37 Easy Japanese



TV Kanal

NHK WORLD-JAPAN is the international service of Japan's public broadcaster NHK. It provides the latest information on Japan and Asia through television, radio and online to a global audience.