Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems


Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems

Kiss Of The Week

domenica, 21:00

Join us for the biggest tunes currently tearing up the playlist, as we chat fresh drops, fire new artists, and pull out some old school classics too.

Kiss Of The Week


It's time to go back in time with kisstory. The biggest old skool anthems ever from your favourite artists.

Guías de TV

Canale Durata Titolo
Kiss TV domenica, 20:00 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV lunedì, 00:00 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV lunedì, 11:00 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV lunedì, 23:30 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV martedì, 11:30 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV martedì, 23:30 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV mercoledì, 23:30 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV giovedì, 10:50 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems
Kiss TV giovedì, 23:30 Kisstory: Old Skool and Anthems


TV Canale

Kiss TV

Kiss TV
United Kingdom

English music channel for fans of dance, pop and R'n'B.