A Muslim Journey to Hope

A Muslim Journey to Hope

The Christian View

maanantai, 19.30

We are all called to fight the good fight of faith, but how do we do that? Get insight on how to fight God's way in this segment of 'The Christian View'.



Muslim Farhad tried to get close to God; his years were marked by wars searching for a peaceful place to live, but his spiritual journey was more significant than his physical one.


Kanava Kesto Nimi
Inspiration TV maanantai, 00.30 A Muslim Journey to Hope
Inspiration TV maanantai, 19.00 A Muslim Journey to Hope
Inspiration TV torstai, 09.00 A Muslim Journey to Hope
Inspiration TV perjantai, 01.30 A Muslim Journey to Hope
Inspiration TV perjantai, 11.30 A Muslim Journey to Hope
Inspiration TV lauantai, 02.00 A Muslim Journey to Hope


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