Shaped by Faith

Shaped by Faith

Through the Bible with Les Feldick

teisipäev, 14:00

Les Feldick has a unique love for the Scriptures. He has studied and taught God's Word for more than 30 years bringing it alive to believers of every denominational background.



Be refreshed by Pilates stretching exercises that increase your flexibility, and scriptures that remind you of God's blessings and promises.


Kanal Kestvus Pealkiri
Inspiration TV pühapäev, 05:30 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV esmaspäev, 06:00 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV esmaspäev, 13:30 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV teisipäev, 13:30 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV kolmapäev, 06:00 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV kolmapäev, 13:30 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV neljapäev, 13:30 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV reede, 06:00 Shaped by Faith
Inspiration TV reede, 13:30 Shaped by Faith


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Inspiration Ministries helps you strengthen your walk with Christ.