When Sharks Attack 360

When Sharks Attack 360

When Sharks Attack 360

Monday, 01:00

Wrong Place, Wrong Time: The team investigates two nearly identical attacks in Florida - same location, close to the shore, and both on young unsuspecting surfers. U. (S1, ep 5)

When Sharks Attack 360


Troubled Waters: The team reach a surprising conclusion while using the latest research to investigate the first fatal attack in Sydney in 60 years. U. (S1, ep 4)

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
National Geographic Wild Monday, 00:00 When Sharks Attack 360
National Geographic Wild Monday, 01:00 When Sharks Attack 360



TV Channel

National Geographic Wild

National Geographic Wild
United Kingdom

National Geographic Wild is a Pan-European pay television channel that features documentaries produced by the National Geographic Society. It features documentaries about nature, wildlife, natural phenomenon, and earth.