Art Lounge


Art Lounge

Discovering Russia

Sunday, 02:00

Explore the treasures of Russia with RTD's Documentaries about Russia. Learn about its nature, cities, its peoples and their centuries-old traditions. Accompanying you on this journey are RTD's travel journalists whose task is to take trips as adventurous and as reckless as Russia's capacious boundaries can encompass.

Discovering Russia


This series shows various highlights and performances from the world of the arts.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
RT Documentary Sunday, 01:30 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Sunday, 01:43 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Sunday, 13:30 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Sunday, 13:43 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Monday, 06:00 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Monday, 06:22 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Tuesday, 02:00 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Tuesday, 02:22 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Wednesday, 21:30 Art Lounge
RT Documentary Wednesday, 21:52 Art Lounge



TV Channel

RT Documentary

RT Documentary

Documentary channel RT Doc joined the RT news family in 2011. Since then, RT Doc has produced and broadcasted more than 500 films — about private struggles and global milestones, the human soul and expanses of nature, tales from the past and events unfolding right before our eyes.