Our Family

Meet Amanpreet's Family, 2021

Our Family

Big Cook Little Cook

Wednesday, 13:00

It's treat time in the cafe today, and the chefs want to eat ice cream, but the freezer is too cold to go near. Walter Wizard visits them, Small flies off to see how beetroot grows, and the two friends whisk up cauldron soup for their magical guest.

Big Cook Little Cook


Amanpreet and her family are off on a animal adventure. They visit a safari park where they join the lions for a spot of lunch from the safety of their safari bus. Later, Amanpreet turns her hand to zookeeping.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
CBeebies Wednesday, 12:50 Our Family
CBeebies Thursday, 12:50 Our Family
CBeebies Friday, 12:50 Our Family
CBeebies Monday, 12:50 Our Family
CBeebies Tuesday, 12:50 Our Family
CBeebies Tuesday, 18:10 Our Family



TV Channel


United Kingdom

BBC's channel entirely dedicated to the little ones - with a varied mix of cartoons, games and learning programmes.