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Viasat Kino Comedy - Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006 - Wed 19 Jun 2024 14:40 EEST - Latvia -

Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006

featurefilm, movies-entertainment, romance, comedy

Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006

The Taming of the Scoundrel (Il bisbetico domato), Comedy, Romance, Italy, 1980

Wednesday, 16:50

A grouchy farmer, known around his small Italian town as being wonderful to his employees, but actively driving everyone else away, is in for a surprise when a beautiful girl from the city, ends up on his stoop after her car breaks down in the rain.

The Taming of the Scoundrel (Il bisbetico domato), Comedy, Romance, Italy, 1980


A slacker competes with a repeat winner for the "Employee of the Month" title at work in order to gain the affections of a new female employee.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
Viasat Kino Comedy Wednesday, 14:40 Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006
Viasat Kino Comedy Thursday, 10:55 Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006
Viasat Kino Comedy Thursday, 18:45 Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006
Viasat Kino Comedy Friday, 12:50 Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006
Viasat Kino Comedy Saturday, 07:00 Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month), Comedy, Romance, USA, 2006

TV Channel

Viasat Kino Comedy

Viasat Kino Comedy

Канал Viasat Kino Comedy посвящен первоклассным комедиям, способным изменить ваше настроение исключительно в лучшую сторону в любое время дня и ночи. Этот канал – лучшее лекарство от хандры! Если вы устали за день и мечтаете отвлечься от тягостных дум или хотите провести выходные в приподнятом состоянии духа; если вы любите и цените отличное чувство юмора, а также жить не можете без лучших комедийных актеров современности, которые способны вызвать приступ заразительного смеха одним своим присутствием на экране, тогда VIP Comedy – то, что доктор прописал!