Pēdējie milži: savvaļas zivis

documentary, fishing, adventure

Last of the Giants: Wild Fish

Pēdējie milži: savvaļas zivis

Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana

Friday, 13:55

January 20th, 1992 High over Frances mountainous Alsace region, Air Inter Flight #148 starts its descent towards Strasbourg airport. An Airbus A320, the aircraft is the worlds first to rely mainly on computerized commands to control it, and while its autopilot had been programmed to land on a specific runway, high winds and poor winter weather mean the pilots must take over the controls to land on another runway. Slightly off course, a controller guides the pilots as they prepare to make a visual landing. But as they descend through the clouds, the aircraft suddenly rips through the treetops below and slams into the side of a mountain. Can rescuers locate the survivors in time? And can investigators figure out what caused the crash?

Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana


Armed with Amazon-worthy fishing boats, Cyril and team hit the waters in search of the elusive, giant muturo. After battling powerful paleta surubi and aggressive red-bellied piranhas, Cyril is in for the fight of his life when the massive muturo hes been waiting for finally hits his line. Its 150 pounds a rare prize, seldom seen, almost never caught.

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
National Geographic Channel Friday, 12:35 Pēdējie milži: savvaļas zivis
National Geographic Channel Friday, 13:15 Pēdējie milži: savvaļas zivis
National Geographic Channel Friday, 20:20 Pēdējie milži: savvaļas zivis
National Geographic Channel Friday, 21:00 Pēdējie milži: savvaļas zivis



TV Channel

National Geographic Channel

National Geographic Channel

Inspiring people to care about the planet! National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.