Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground


Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground

Happy Lights

Monday, 21:59

Soothing music along with images from our surroundings is sure to put your little ones to sleep.

Happy Lights


Join Grandpa Joe and friends to see the surprise they build with magical parts! Connect the wheels, ring and parts to create a hot air balloon! Join the ride and use a telescope to see the amazing world from above!

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
Baby TV Monday, 20:18 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Monday, 21:16 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Monday, 21:53 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Tuesday, 20:19 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Tuesday, 21:21 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Tuesday, 21:57 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Wednesday, 20:19 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Wednesday, 21:18 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Baby TV Wednesday, 21:55 Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground



TV Channel

BabyTV - the first 24/7 channel for kids, babies and toddlers. Offers a variety of activities, free games and exclusive baby and children TV shows (previews and full episodes).