Good Night Teddy Bear


Good Night Teddy Bear

Maya and Yaya

Sunday, 21:01

Maya is jumping rope and Yaya is bouncing a ball. Yaya wants to jump rope as well but is having a hard time and falls down. Join the two cute elephants to see what Yaya can do - he can turn around on his head! Come along and see how the two good friends have fun doing things together!

Maya and Yaya


Teddy is getting ready for bed! He tells Mama Bear about his adventures with dad while sailing on a boat! FinFin the dolphin comes to the rescue after Teddy's tractor falls in the water along with dad's sunglasses! Join FinFin as he takes Teddy on a journey underwater! Enjoy the fish, corals and special shells!

TV Schedule

Channel Time Title
Baby TV Sunday, 20:55 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Sunday, 21:43 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Sunday, 22:22 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Monday, 20:53 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Monday, 21:40 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Monday, 22:20 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Tuesday, 20:55 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Tuesday, 21:45 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Tuesday, 22:24 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Wednesday, 20:54 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Wednesday, 21:42 Good Night Teddy Bear
Baby TV Wednesday, 22:21 Good Night Teddy Bear



TV Channel

BabyTV - the first 24/7 channel for kids, babies and toddlers. Offers a variety of activities, free games and exclusive baby and children TV shows (previews and full episodes).