The Arctic, A Boy Becomes A Hunter

cestovanie, 2013

The Arctic, A Boy Becomes A Hunter


Montag, 20:35

The region is wild and rough, ruled by tempestuous winds and seas. Its population proud and willful. Many of them still speak their indigenous language today. The Celts named Brittany "Armorica", "the place by the sea". The Atlantic dominates life here, where tides soar, stone houses lie low against the storms, and where America beckons from the western tip. Brittany enjoys a special status among the French regions. Coarse and rugged, scarred by centuries-long disputes between English or French domination, it still boasts breathtaking beauty and authenticity. What does being from Brittany mean today?



On the North-Western tip of Greenland, fathers give their boys small dog sledges as soon as they can walk. The toy is meant to teach them hunting, a survival skill for Polar Inuits. Increasingly fewer boys, however, want to become hunters. 12-year-old Qaaqqukannguaq is an exception. During the spring holidays, he is going to accompany his father on a hunting trip for the first time. For several days, they will cross the ice desert on dog sledges, covering the 70 km from Savissivik, their tiny community, to Cape York.


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Docubox HD Montag, 19:40 The Arctic, A Boy Becomes A Hunter


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