Clash of the Gods

series, history, mythology

Clash of the Gods

Clash of the Gods

Decoding the Past

Sonntag, 00:15

Documentary series that investigates some of history's most unusual events and re-examines long-standing ancient mysteries - from the Holy Grail and the seven wonders of the world, to the Bermuda Triangle and the secrets behind the layout of the dollar bill. In each episode, experts lay the groundwork for stories, providing an overview of the events and placing them in the appropriate historical, geographical and cultural context.

Decoding the Past


Documentary series that in each episode explains the heroic and tragic life of various figures from Greek and Norse mythologies - the most powerful monsters, heroes and Gods, including Thor, Hercules, Beowulf, Minotaur, Odysseus and Zeus. Was ancient Greece's greatest hero Hercules a real person? What inspired the Minotaur's labyrinth? Did Odysseus's famous journey really happen? This series will answer these and many other questions, and experts will connect the myths we all know to actual historical events, and link the stories to mythologies of other cultures as well.


Kanal Zeit Titel
History2 Samstag, 23:30 Clash of the Gods
History2 Sonntag, 05:30 Clash of the Gods
History2 Sonntag, 11:30 Clash of the Gods
History2 Sonntag, 17:30 Clash of the Gods

TV Kanal

