The Sweeney

Contact Breaker, 1975

The Sweeney

Robin of Sherwood

Donnerstag, 09:10

After a lucrative robbery, Much and Scarlet take refuge in an unusual camp run by a fanatical monk. With Jason Connery, Peter Llewellyn-Williams, Brendan Price, Dorothy Tutin.

Robin of Sherwood


When an antique shop gets used as access to rob a bank, it looks as though there was inside assistance, but Regan thinks otherwise and aims to prove that a convict on parole was framed.


Kanal Zeit Titel
itv 4 Donnerstag, 08:15 The Sweeney
itv 4 Donnerstag, 17:50 The Sweeney
itv 4 Freitag, 01:40 The Sweeney
itv 4 Freitag, 08:20 The Sweeney
itv 4 Freitag, 17:45 The Sweeney
itv 4 Samstag, 02:00 The Sweeney
itv 4 Montag, 02:25 The Sweeney
itv 4 Montag, 08:05 The Sweeney
itv 4 Montag, 17:50 The Sweeney
itv 4 Dienstag, 08:15 The Sweeney
itv 4 Dienstag, 17:50 The Sweeney
itv 4 Mittwoch, 08:10 The Sweeney
itv 4 Mittwoch, 17:50 The Sweeney



TV Kanal

itv 4

itv 4
United Kingdom

The UK commercial TV network's fourth channel with drama, sitcoms, European films, and a particular emphasis on boxing.