Lost Treasures Of Egypt

Lost Treasures Of Egypt

Air Crash Investigation

Piatok, 20:00

Double Trouble: Rocked by an explosion that rips both right wing engines off the wing, the pilots of Transair 671 manage a miraculous landing. All ages. (S21, ep 4)

Air Crash Investigation


Secrets of Egypt's Queens: Archaeologists investigate the queens of ancient Egypt, and enter an unexplored pyramid for the first time in over 4,000 years. All ages. (S1, ep 2)

TV sprievodca

Kanál Čas Titul
National Geographic+1 Piatok, 19:00 Lost Treasures Of Egypt
National Geographic+1 Štvrtok, 19:00 Lost Treasures Of Egypt



TV Kanál

National Geographic+1

National Geographic+1
United Kingdom

National Geographic is a British pay television channel that features documentaries produced by the National Geographic Society. It features some programming similar to that on the Discovery Channel such as nature and science documentaries.