Ugly House to Lovely House with...

Ugly House to Lovely House with...

George Clarke's Old House New Home

Nedeľa, 12:00

George takes inspiration from Japan, to help Rachel and Sarah with their Victorian terrace. And have a young couple taken on too much with a listed 17th-century cottage? (S7 Ep2/5)

George Clarke's Old House New Home


...George Clarke: Martijn and Sally are desperate to transform their impractical upside-down 1980s house. Can innovative architect Greg Blee help on a budget of £65,000? (S2 Ep3/6)

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More4+1 Nedeľa, 10:55 Ugly House to Lovely House with...



TV Kanál

More4 is a British free-to-air television channel, owned by Channel Four Television Corporation.