Wicked Tuna

Wicked Tuna

Wicked Tuna

Sobota, 10:00

Kraken the Code: The Gloucester captains are used to dominating their home turf, doing whatever it takes to protect their waters from the imposing newcomers. (S9, ep 6)

Wicked Tuna


Blood Lines: Two captains bond through grief, while three generations fish together on one boat in an epic battle for bluefin. (S9, ep 5)

TV sprievodca

Kanál Čas Titul
BLAZE Sobota, 01:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Sobota, 09:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Sobota, 10:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Nedeľa, 06:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Nedeľa, 07:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Nedeľa, 08:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Pondelok, 19:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Utorok, 01:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Utorok, 19:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Streda, 02:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Streda, 19:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Štvrtok, 02:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Štvrtok, 19:00 Wicked Tuna
BLAZE Piatok, 02:00 Wicked Tuna



TV Kanál


United Kingdom

Blaze is a British television channel owned by A&E Networks UK, a joint venture between A&E Networks and Sky plc. The channel was originally set up to allow A&E Networks UK to use its programming for the complete "lifecycle".