Morari Bapu

Morari Bapu

Aastha Special

zaterdag, 14:30

Live Special Telecast of Katha by revered saints and gurus from India.



Pujya Morari Bapu is a popular Hindu kathakaar (preacher), who has been giving 9 day long sermons (kathaas) in both Gujarati and Hindi all over the world.

Tv gids

Kanaal Tijd Titel
Aastha zaterdag, 11:30 Morari Bapu
Aastha zondag, 09:00 Morari Bapu
Aastha maandag, 09:00 Morari Bapu
Aastha dinsdag, 09:00 Morari Bapu
Aastha woensdag, 09:00 Morari Bapu
Aastha donderdag, 09:00 Morari Bapu
Aastha vrijdag, 09:00 Morari Bapu

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