


Pēc atlaišanas no darba un šķiršanās no drauga kosmētikas tirgotāja kļuvusi par auklīti trim bagātas angļu atraitnes bērniem. Laikam ejot, divi savā starpā ieķeras.

Tv gids

Kanaal Tijd Titel

Geen resultaten gevonden.


TV Kanaal

Duo 6

Duo 6

Duo 6 – high energy, quality entertainment. The best in action, sci-fi, adventure and fantasy programming, high-energy, edgy, exciting. Duo 6 gives viewers a portal to pure excitement. Duo 6 features top-rated entertainment from around the world. Duo 6 brings viewers the must-watch dramas and blockbuster films that continually captivate millions around the world. These are the global hits that redefine television. Duo 6’s line-up of the most daring and challenging reality shows will have everyone jumping out of their seats as real drama takes over. Duo 6 – entertainment with attitude.